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aws batch: submit job using lambda

Context: AWS, S3, Lambda, Batch.

I have a lambda that is triggered when a file is uploaded in a S3 Bucket. I want that the lambda submit a Batch job.

(edit: Between S3 and Lambda everything works fine. The problem is between Lambda and Batch.)

Q: What is the role I have to give to the lambda in order to be able to submit the batch job?

My lambda gets an AccessDeniedException and fail to submit the job when:

const params = {
  jobDefinition: BATCH_JOB_DEFINITION,
  jobName: BATCH_JOB_NAME,
  jobQueue: BATCH_JOB_QUEUE,

Batch.submitJob(params).promise() .then .......


  • It seems that this was the role I was looking for: batch:SubmitJob. Using this role, the lambda was able to submit the job.

      - Effect: Allow
          - batch:SubmitJob
        Resource: "arn:aws:batch:*:*:*"