Is it possible to return all data from my jqgrid??
This work great but I only get clear data.
For example I have column approved with settings:
editoptions: {value: "t:Yes;f:No;null:No"},
value: "t:Yes;f:No;null:No",
edittype: "select",
formatter: "select",
index: "approved",
label: "Approved",
name: "approved",
resizable: false,
search: false
When I use "getRowData" I get value for this column "f" but I need "No".
I looked into documentation and I didnt find method which gave me data after processed only clear data.
Is there a way to do this?
If your data comes from the server only and you want to get the text from select you will need to define your own custom unformat function. like this:
editoptions: {value: "t:Yes;f:No;null:No"},
value: "t:Yes;f:No;null:No",
edittype: "select",
formatter: "select",
unformat : function( cellval, options, cell) {
return cellval;
index: "approved",
label: "Approved",
name: "approved",
resizable: false,
search: false
and use the getRowData as of your code
in case of loadonce true or local datatype parameter you will nedd to query the data parameter
$("#jqGrid").jqGrid('getGridParam', data);
or to use the second parameter in getRowData to return tha data array
this.element.jqGrid('getRowData', true);