Am trying to use the Angulars HttpClient service to make a request with a number of tries and a delay in between. The code works, but i noticed in the devTools network tap that in the end an extra request is sent and canceled. What am I doing wrong here is the code:
return<LoginSuccessPayload>('/api/auth/signin', payload).pipe(
retryWhen(errors => {
return errors.pipe(
mergeMap((er: any) => {
if (er.status === 504 || er.status === 503) {
return of(er.status).pipe(delay(1000));
return _throw({message: er.error.message || 'Notification.Core.loginError'});
concat(_throw({message: 'Notification.Core.networkError'}))
Here is an Image of Firefox and Chrome network tab, there should be three request but its making four and canceling the last one
Here is how I solved it. now three tries with a second delay per request and no extra canceled request
return<LoginSuccessPayload>('/api/auth/signin', payload).pipe(
retryWhen(errors => errors.pipe(
switchMap((error) => {
if (error.status === 504 || error.status === 503) {
return of(error.status);
return _throw({message: error.error.message || 'Notification.Core.loginError'});
scan(acc => acc + 1, 0),
takeWhile(acc => acc < 3),
concat(_throw({message: 'Notification.Core.networkError'}))