I've looked all over and I can't seem to find an answer for this. Instead of selecting from A1 to G8, I just want it to select the last 8 USED rows in the import it creates. Not sure what to use here.
$pathtsv = "C:\xxxxxx.mdf"
$pathxlsx = "C:\xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xlsx"
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject "Excel.Application"
$Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($pathxlsx)
$TempWorkbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Opentext($pathtsv)
$temp = $excel.Workbooks.Item(2)
$temp = $temp.Worksheets.Item(1)
$CopyRange = $temp.Range("A1:G8")
Thanks in advance.
I'd recommend using the ImportExcel
module by Doug Finke rather than using Excel as a COM Object. Then the Excel document can be easily imported as a PowerShell object which can then be filtered by Select-Object -Last 8
or $ImportedExcelObject[-8..-1]
then reexported in what I assume a Tab Delimited format.
Install-Module ImportExcel
$pathtsv = "C:\xxxxxx.mdf"
$pathxlsx = "C:\xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xlsx"
Import-Excel $pathxlsx | Select-Object -Last 8 | Export-CSV $pathtsv -Delimiter "`t"
Note: The Install-Module command is included by default in PowerShell 5+.
Here is the updated code for going the opposite way from a tsv to a a specific row and column in an Excel document using the Export-Excel
cmdlet from the ImportExcel Module.
Install-Module ImportExcel
$pathtsv = 'C:\xxxxxx.mdf'
$templatexls = 'C:\yyyyyyyyyy.xlsx'
$pathxlsx = 'C:\xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xlsx'
Copy-Item $templatexls $pathxlsx
Import-CSV $pathtsv -Delimiter "`t" | Select-Object -Last 8 | Export-Excel -Path $pathxlsx -WorksheetName 'Sheet1' -Show -StartRow 3 -StartColumn 1 -NoHeader