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Can't decode session from elm port

Trying to get elm ports working to maintain the session.

In index.html, the script includes the following listener:

  window.addEventListener("load", function(event) {
  }, false);

localStorage.session looks like this (and it stays there until I've logged out):


The definition in Ports.elm is:

port onSessionChange : (Value -> msg) -> Sub msg

This port is connected to Main.elm here (let me know if I've forgotten to include some of the definitions below):

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
    Ports.onSessionChange sessionChange

sessionChange : Json.Decode.Value -> Msg
sessionChange value =
        result =
            Json.Decode.decodeValue sessionDecoder value
        case result of
            Ok sess ->
                SetSession (Just sess)

            Err err ->
                SetSession Nothing


type alias Session =
    { email : String
    , token : String
    , user_id : Int
    , handle : String


import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (..)
import Json.Decode.Pipeline as Pipeline exposing (decode, required)

sessionDecoder : Decode.Decoder Session
sessionDecoder =
    Pipeline.decode Session
        |> Pipeline.required "email" Decode.string
        |> Pipeline.required "token" Decode.string
        |> Pipeline.required "user_id"
        |> Pipeline.required "handle" Decode.string


type Msg
    = NoOp
    | SetSession (Maybe Session)


update msg model =
    case msg of
        SetSession session ->
            case Debug.log "session = " session of
                Just sess ->
                    ({ model | session = sess } , Cmd.none)

                Nothing ->
                    (model, Cmd.none)

Debug.log "session" displays Nothing in the console when the page loads, so JS is talking to elm, but the decoder seems to be failing. Any ideas?


  • I've plugged your code into a minimal working example and everything works fine. You might want to log the value of localStorage.session from inside the javascript portion to make sure it's a valid JSON value.