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Writing FILE* through pipe

I have two file open in two different processes. There's a pipe connecting the two. Is it possible to write directly from one file to another? Especially if the process reading doesn't know the size of the file it's trying to read?

I was hoping to do something like this

#define length 100
int main(){
  int frk = fork();
  int pip[2];
  if (frk==0){ //child
    FILE* fp fopen("file1", "r");
  else {
    FILE* fp fopen("file2", "w");


  • Is it possible to write directly from one file to another?

    C does not provide any mechanism for that, and it seems like it would require specialized hardware support. The standard I/O paradigm is that data get read from their source into memory or written from memory to their destination. That pesky "memory" in the middle means copying from one file to another cannot be direct.

    Of course, you can write a function or program that performs such a copy, hiding the details from you. This is what the cp command does, after all, but the C standard library does not contain a function for that purpose.

    Especially if the process reading doesn't know the size of the file it's trying to read?

    That bit isn't very important. One simply reads and then writes (only) what one has read, repeating until there is nothing more to read. "Nothing more to read" means that a read attempt indicates by its return value that the end of the file has been reached.

    If you want one process to read one file and the other to write that data to another file, using a pipe to convey data between the two, then you need both processes to implement that pattern. One reads from the source file and writes to the pipe, and the other reads from the pipe and writes to the destination file.

    Special note: for the process reading from the pipe to detect EOF on that pipe, the other end has to be closed, in both processes. After the fork, each process can and should close the pipe end that it doesn't intend to use. The one using the write end then closes that end when it has nothing more to write to it.