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JPA with QueryDSL select query incorrect result

I have a problem when making a select to a table in a database, the data resulting from it is incorrect. Can there be some kind of Spring cache to update?

public class CronogramaService {

    private CronogramaRepository cronogramaRepository;

    private EntityManager entityManager;

    public List<Cronograma> findAll() {
        QCronograma cronograma = QCronograma.cronograma;
        return new JPAQuery(entityManager)

Test main

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring_config.xml");

    CronogramaService cronoService = context.getBean(CronogramaService.class);

    List<Cronograma> crono = cronoService.findAll();

    for (Cronograma cronograma : crono) {



The application has 365 days of the year 2018. But the result in id 1 returns me the day 2017-12-31. In the database the data of id 1 is 01-01-2018, and I do not understand what the problem is.


  • We had a similar issue which boiled down to different timezones between application server and database server. Assuming you're using MySQL, try connecting to your database with the serverTimezone parameter set like jdbc:mysql://server:3306/database?serverTimezone=Europe/London