I am looking to create a video training program which records videos - via webcam, user screen capture and captures sound. Now the main problem is that I need a cross-platform (mac and windows) solutions.
I know its possible to use flash to record webcam + audio. But its not possible to record the user's screen via flash.
So am wonder if I should use Java (which i believe will work on mac & windows). I do not want to develop to separate versions because of the cost involved in developing two versions.
Please guide me as I am new to this.
Thank you.
Hello again,
I had a look at the following site: www.screencast-o-matic.com or www.screentoaster.com. I see that they have developed a java applet which helps interact with Windows/Mac to record the screen.
I am wondering how to go about developing something like that and integrating it with Flash (for webcam and audio recording).
Is this a better idea?
This is by no means a simple project. Lets get that said and out the way. There are open source (and cross-platform) options for each element, but nothing (I know of) that will do everything for you.
I think the "cleanest" option would be to use Flash for webcam and audio, as you said, and run a VNC server to send the screen video... The only closed-platform code will be the VNC launching code. That should be pretty simple to maintain!
That raises a problem because most people are behind NAT firewalls these days. Setting up port forwarding is a pain in the behind. I've used an app called Gitso before which allows people to connect to me and send their desktop to my screen (for tech support). Its VNC-based and all it really does is add another layer on top of the VNC connection so rather than me connecting to them, they connect to me. That makes the whole business of port forwarding a non-issue.
And once you've recorded everything, there's the final issue of syncing it all back together... Might not be so hard.