I'm trying to reply to a tweet (that i post 10 seconds before) using twitter4j but it is only posting it to the timeline and not as a reply.
post = mainTwitter.updateStatus(...); //1st twitter account
StatusUpdate reply = new StatusUpdate(...);
try {
contextTwitter.updateStatus(reply); //2nd twitter account
} catch (TwitterException e) {
System.err.println("Couldn't post context");
The id is not -1, it is the right long value. No exception thrown.
You can use the following code to make your snippet working
public void init() {
ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder();
TwitterFactory tf = new TwitterFactory(cb.build());
twitter = tf.getInstance();
* @param tweetId : tweet Id
* @param messgae : Reply message
* @return
* @throws TwitterException
public String reply(String tweetId, String messgae ) throws TwitterException {
Status status = twitter.showStatus(Long.parseLong(tweetId));
Status reply = twitter.updateStatus(new StatusUpdate(" @" + status.getUser().getScreenName() + " "+ messgae).inReplyToStatusId(status.getId()));
return Long.toString(reply.getId());
Usage :
reply("930497966443454464", " Hello Eva")