Is there any standard bean validation annotation to check duplicate item in a collection in java. or Anyone implemented custom validation to check duplicate in a list using bean validation.
for example
public class MySecurityRequest{
private Date dob;
private List securityQuestions;
public class SecurityQuestion{
private String question;
private String answer;
Here i need to make sure that, questions are not repeated in the list. Are one faced this similar issue?
Ah ah funny you ask. We just added the @UniqueElements annotation to Hibernate Validator (the PR was merged today -
It will be part of 6.0.5.Final that we plan to release tomorrow.
Note that it is not a standard constraint (i.e. it's not in Bean Validation) but it will be supported by HV out of the box.
You should be able to use HV 6 with Spring: it should be compatible. Just be careful about your dependencies (you can't have both versions in your dependencies - the group ids of HV 5 and 6 are different - and also be careful about the javax.el dependency - see for the details).