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C++: How does a getter return a pointer to a dynamically allocated array without giving direct acces to it?

So the question is:

If I have a program something like:

class Ticket
    char* concertName;
    Ticket(char* name="Concert");
    char* getConcertName();
int main()
   char* test;
   Ticket t1;
Ticket::Ticket(char* name)
   this->concertName=new char[strlen(Concert)+1];
  return this->concertName;

What would the getter return? My intuition says that it returns the pointer to the first element of the memory block that I allocated earlier for concertName, and so I can change the array's values without using the setter, directly from main like I did in the example.

It works to change it, but the idea of the private area is for restricting the access from outside the object to it's attributes if a setter or a getter isn't used.

What if we had a static field like: static unsigned int* arrayI; and a static method that worked like a getter returning the value from arrayI?


  • I think you're asking for const:

    Adding const to your getter will prevent the caller to modify the pointee.

    #include <cstdio>
    class Ticket
        char concertName[sizeof("Concert")];
        Ticket(const char *name = "Concert");
        const char* getConcertName() const;
    int main()
       const char *test;
       Ticket t1;
       test = t1.getConcertName(); //OK with const
       //test[1]='A'; // would not compile
    Ticket::Ticket(const char *name)
       snprintf(concertName, sizeof(concertName), "%s", name);
    const char *Ticket::getConcertName() const
      return concertName;