I've built a nice drag'n Drop with React 15 and Dragula 3.7.2 but when i bundle my Application for Production the whole dnd thing doesn't work except i'm able to lift up a single Element but can't find a container to drop it in.
I'm assigning my containers with a reference to my drake instance which i currently create in componentDidMount.
I've assigned multiple EventListener to the drake instance, but the only one which is firing is the 'drag'-eventListener. I console.logged the drake instance in there and saw all my relevant containers correctly assigned
I've also thought that there could be a minification failure with the dragula bundle and so i used the version from the cdn
class ProcessGridDrag extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.dragContext = null;
this.dragContainers = [];
componentDidMount() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
this.drake = dragula(this.dragContainers, options);
this.drake.on('drop', this.onDropTile);
this.drake.on('out', this.onOutContainer);
this.drake.on('over', console.log);
this.drake.on('drag', () => {
this.drake.on('shadow', console.log);
// Override for touchmove for correct behaviour on iPad
window.addEventListener('touchmove', () => {});
componentWillUnmount() {
this.dragContainers = [];
console.log('will Unmount');
this.drake.containers = [];
this.drake.off('drop', this.onDropTile);
this.drake.off('out', this.onOutContainer);
this.dragContext = null;
// This one is passed down to components which should act as a drag container
dragulaDecorator = componentBackingInstance => {
if (
componentBackingInstance &&
this.dragContainers.indexOf(componentBackingInstance) === -1
) {
webpack.config.prod: https://pastebin.com/BLu2hmmv webpack.config.dev: https://pastebin.com/3wczNisj
I had a Problem with my css. I've overwritten the top-value of the dragged element.
Because of a different LoadOrder in Production this problem only occured there