When I'm looping through a list of addresses, I'm able to plot the markers for all the addresses fine. But when I click on any marker, the infowindow content shows data of only the last marker. How do I solve this?
var map ={};
map.markers = [];
map.addresses = [
'line': '2101 K St',
'ref_no': '160621-000005'
'line': '2131 K St',
'ref_no': '170708-000015'
'line': '2321 K St',
'ref_no': '170707-000028'
map.map_object = new Map("esri_map", {
basemap: "topo",
center: [<lat>, <lng>],
zoom: 12
var locator = new Locator("http://geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer");
for(var i = 0; i < map.addresses.length; i++)
var addr = map.addresses[i];
var params = {
countryCode: "US",
maxLocations: 1,
address: {"SingleLine": addr.line}
locator.addressToLocations(params, function(candidates){
locatorDone(candidates, addr);
function locatorDone(candidates, addr)
var html = "<h5>"+addr.line+"</h5>";
html += "<p>Ref#: "+addr.ref_no+"</p>";
var infoTemplate = new esri.InfoTemplate(addr.ref_no, html); // <--- Problem lies here
var graphic = new esri.Graphic(pt, symbol,'',infoTemplate);
P.S: I've solved similar problems (in case of Google Maps API) by using closures. But I'm not sure how to use that in this case.
You can wrap the inside of the for
loop in a self invoking function which will provide the closure. Something like this:
for(var i = 0; i < map.addresses.length; i++)
(function (i) {
var addr = map.addresses[i];
var params = {
countryCode: "US",
maxLocations: 1,
address: {"SingleLine": addr.line}
locator.addressToLocations(params, function(candidates){
locatorDone(candidates, addr);
This will make i
local to this code block. As it is now in your code all addr
are referencing the last address because the for
loop has finished running when you call locatorDone
asynchronously. Alternatively you can use let
like so: for (let i = 0; ...
if you don't need this code to run on Internet Explorer below version 11.