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How to run a specific junit test in ant with parameter?

First, I have searched in stackoverflow, the following questions are related to mine, but not exactly what I wanted:

Suppose I have more than 100 test cases: A1Test... A100Test. I can make bachtest of junit in ant to run all of them. But I only want to run, say, A50Test. How I config my build.xml, so that I can run:

ant test A50Test

I don't want to create 100 targets for each of the test.


  • Introduce property which defines test name you want to execute:

    <property name="unit.test" value="*.java" />

    Use this property in your batchtest:

    <batchtest fork="yes" todir="${output.test.dir}">
        <fileset dir="${source.test.dir}" includes="**/${unit.test}"/>

    Pass value for this property to ant:

    ant test -Dunit.test=A50Test