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Hibernate enum casting and converter mapping

I' m working with enums and I want to store code from enum body in database. I' m using hibernate 5.2.11.. For the entity mapping I'm using .hbm.xml files. What I'm doing wrong? Why I can't store the enmus code. It keeps storing enum name or bytearray.

    public class MyEntity {

       private Long id;
       private MyEnums num;

       public Long getId() {
           return id;

       public void setId(Long id) {
  = id;

       @Convert(converter = MyEnumConverter.class)
       public MyEnums getNum() {
           return num;

       @Convert(converter = MyEnumConverter.class)
       public void setNum(MyEnums num) {
           this.num = num;

Using this entity I'm setting enum and I want that hibernate store the code from the enum body.

    public enum MyEnums {

       FIRST("123", "first"),
       SECOND("456", "second");

       private final String code;
       private final String description;

       private MyEnums(String code, String description) {
           this.code = code;
           this.description = description;

       public static MyEnums fromCode(String code) {
           if (code.equals(FIRST.code)) {
               return FIRST;
           } else if (code.equals(SECOND.code)) {
               return SECOND;
           } else {
               return null;

       public String getCode() {
           return code;

       public String getDescription() {
           return description;

Using MyEnums class logic I can get code or description from enum body. To store code into database I am using AttributeConverter<>.

    @Converter(autoApply = true)
    public class MyEnumConverter implements AttributeConverter<MyEnums, String> {

       public String convertToDatabaseColumn(MyEnums myEnums) {
           return (myEnums != null)? myEnums.getCode() : null;

       public MyEnums convertToEntityAttribute(String code) {
           return (code != null)? MyEnums.fromCode(code) : null;

As I said I'm using .hbm.xml mapping. So I tried two different ways to map my enum type. When I'm using 1-ST annotation - database store bytea type value. And when I'm using 2-nd annotation - database stores enum name or possition number in enum class.


    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"

        <class name="main.test.main.MyEntity" table="test_enums">
            <id name="id" column="id">
                <generator class="">
                    <param name="optimizer">none</param>
                    <param name="increment_size">1</param>
                    <param name="sequence_name">seq_enums</param>

       <!-- 1-ST ANNOTATION -->
            <property name="num" column="enum_code"/>

       <!-- 2-ND ANNOTATION -->
            <!--<property name="num" column="enum_code">
                <type name="org.hibernate.type.EnumType">
                    <param name="enumClass">main.test.main.MyEnums</param>

When I' m using 1-st annotation database table looks like this:

| id | enum_code                 |
| 1  | 81B 00000000 AC ED 00 ... |

When I' m using 2-nd annotation table looks like this:

| id | enum_code                 |
| 1  | SECOND                    |

Or like this:

| id | enum_code                 |
| 1  | 1                         |

So seems that my enum converter does not work. Is someone encountered with this type of problem? I really need some help...


  • After long time of Internet browsing finally I found the solution. Thanks for Gabriel Axel. He is offering to create your own value type class which converts enum to his body value.

    More information (example):