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c++ Genetic Algorithm Mutation error

I Have a problem with the mutation function within my genetic Algorithm. I can't quite see what I am doing wrong either. I've looked at this code for a while and I think the logic is correct, it's just not producing the results i want.

The problem When i output the Binary array located in the Child Struct, If mutation has occured on any of the bits, then a random number will be changed, and not the one that should be.

for example

  • 0000000 is the binary string
  • mutation has occured on the second bit
  • 0001000 would be the result

This section is located within the main.

for (int Child = 0; Child < ParentNumberInit; Child++)
    cout << endl;

This is the mutation function

void mutation(struct Parent Child1,int childnumber)
    int mutation; // will be the random number generated

    cout << endl << "Child " << (childnumber+1) << endl;

    //loop through every bit in the binary string
    for (int z = 0; z < Binscale; z++)
        mutation = 0;   // set mutation at 0 at the start of every loop
        mutation = rand()%100;      //create a random number

        cout << "Generated number = " << mutation << endl;

        //if variable mutation is smaller, mutation occurs
        if (mutation < MutationRate)
            if(Child1.binary_code[z] == '0')
                Child1.binary_code[z] = '1';
            else if(Child1.binary_code[z] == '1')
                Child1.binary_code[z] = '0';

It's being outputted in the main like this

    for (int childnumber = 0; childnumber < ParentNumberInit; childnumber++)
        cout<<"Child "<<(childnumber+1)<<" Binary code = ";
        for (int z = 0; z < Binscale; z ++)


  • You can't throttle the multation rate this way. You need to separate the mutated bit from the probability of the mutation occuring.

    for (int z = 0; z < Binscale; z++)     
        if (rand() % 100 < MutationRate)        
            // flip bit             
            Child1.binary_code[z] += 1; 
            Child1.binary_code[z] %= 2;

    Even simpler way to flip bit:

    Child1.binary_code[z] ^= 1;