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Uploading multiple files with Fetch and FormData APIs

I'm trying to use the native Fetch and FormData APIs to upload multiple files at once to the server but I can't for the life of me get it to work. Here's what I've got:

// acceptedFiles are File objects coming from `react-dropzone`.
function handleSubmit(acceptedFiles) {
  const data = new FormData();

  for (const file of acceptedFiles) {
    data.append('files', file,;

  return fetch('', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: data,      

But what my Rails server receives is this:

Parameters: {"files"=>#
<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x00007feb347becc0 @tempfile=#
71112-6486-1ftkufy.mp4>, @original_filename="SampleVideo_1280x720_5mb.mp4",
 @content_type="video/mp4", @headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; 
name=\"files\"; filename=\"SampleVideo_1280x720_5mb.mp4\"\r\nContent-Type:

In other words, it looks like files is actually just one file. But the docs for FormData say that append should append multiple files.

So what's going wrong?


  • The solution was to change files to files[]:

    // acceptedFiles are File objects coming from `react-dropzone`.
    function handleSubmit(acceptedFiles) {
      const data = new FormData();
      for (const file of acceptedFiles) {
        data.append('files[]', file,;
      return fetch('', {
        method: 'POST',
        body: data,      