I have a folder with 1 batch file and 2 excel files - old.xls and new.xlsx.
I need to rename both these files to test.xls and test.xlsx by using the batch file in the same folder.
When I try to rename the .xlsx file I can successfully do it by using the following command:
ren *.xlsx test.xlsx
But when i try doing the same for the .xls file I get the following error :
ren *.xls test.xls
A duplicate file name exists, or the file
cannot be found.
Can someone tell me how to do this? I am new to batch files.
SET "sourcedir=U:\sourcedir"
PUSHD "%sourcedir%"
ECHO directory before xlsx rename
DIR /x /a-d
REN *.xlsx test.xlsx
ECHO ============================
ECHO directory before XLS rename
DIR /x /a-d
FOR %%a IN (*.xls) DO ECHO "XLS" name found: %%a
FOR %%a IN (*.xls) DO IF /i "%%~xa"==".xls" REN "%%a" test.xls
ECHO ============================
ECHO directory after XLS rename
DIR /x /a-d
By default, every file or directory whose name does not comply with the DOS "8.3" filename convention (name of up to 8 characters, extension of up to 3, separated by a dot) will be assigned a "short name" that does comply.
The above code (I use u:\sourcedir
as a test directory) will show the steps. Note that dir /x
shows shortname and longname. /a-d
suppresses directorynames).
so - the magic is to check that the fullname-extension actually is .xls