Im trying to install Drupal using the drush command:
drush -y -v site-install standard --db-url=mysql://${db_user}:${db_pass}@${db_host}:${db_port}/${db_name} --account-name=${DRUPAL_ADM_USER} --account-pass=${DRUPAL_ADM_PASS} --locale=${LANG} --site-name=\"${DRUPAL_SITE_NAME}\";
It is using a MySQL database and I have to pass its user and password on the db-url option, but I dont want that this sensitive information appear in my console history.
I would like some help hiding this information. Thanks in advance.
Here 2 commands that may be useful to prevent sensitive data from being logged in your command line history :
Use the read
command to prompt for the password prior to run drush site-install
# Read standard input and store it into db_pass
# -s prevents echoing the input.
# -p <string> outputs the string without a trailing newline before.
read -s -p "Password : " db_pass
You can also source
variables from an external file using the source or dot operator (source
or .
, but that means information are stored in plain text (or encrypted at best), so setting the appropriate permissions for such file should be considered first. Usage :
# Create ~/install.conf and make it initialize db_user
echo 'db_user=foobar' > ~/install.conf
# Execute ~/install.conf commands in the current shell context.
. ~/install.conf
# Test : outputs 'foobar'
echo ${db_user}
A typical installation script uses both methods, in your case if all variables except db_pass were to be stored/initialized in ~/install.conf
, you would do something like this :
. ~/install.conf
read -p 'Press [ Enter ] to begin installation'
while [ -z "$db_pass" ] || [ "$db_pass" != "$check" ]; do
read -s -p "Password: " db_pass && echo
read -s -p "Confirm Password : " check && echo
drush -y -v site-install standard --db-url=mysql:\\//${db_user}:${db_pass}@${db_host}:${db_port}/${db_name} --account-name=${DRUPAL_ADM_USER} --account-pass=${DRUPAL_ADM_PASS} --locale=${LANG} --site-name=\"${DRUPAL_SITE_NAME}\";