I tried to figure out why the following code doesn't increment the page number, excepting from 1 to 2, but I couldn't find out.
var n = 1;
function increment() {
return ++n;
function countDown(secs,elem) {
var element = document.getElementById(elem);
element.innerHTML = "Timp rămas: "+secs+" secunde.";
if(secs < 1) {
element.innerHTML += '<a href="#">Click here now</a>';
var timer = setTimeout('countDown('+secs+',"'+elem+'")',1000);
Try this:
var params = new URL(document.location).searchParams;
var n = params ? params.get('n') || 1 : 1;
So n is read from URL and not set to 1 everytime a page is loaded.
Edit: ah, and maybe:
var timer = setTimeout(function(){countDown(secs, elem);},1000);