To open a hypersonic script in the Eclipse IDE, please follow these steps:
- Open your Eclipse-Liferay IDE and at the top, click on:
Window -> Perspective -> Open Perspective -> Other and select: "Database Development"
- Right-click on "Database Connections" and select: "new"
- Select "HSQLDB" and click on "next"
- Click on the round icon called "new driver definition" and highlight "HSQLDB JDBC Driver" and then go to the "JAR List" tab.
Once there, click on Edit JAR/Zip and browse to your liferay7\tomcat-8.0.32\lib\ext folder and select hsqldb.jar
- Click on "Test Connection" and you'll get "ping succeeded"
- Click on Finish.
- On the left side within your Eclipse, you will see the "NEW HSQLDB" connection. Expand it and browse to this location:
SAMPLE / Catalogs / PUBLIC / schemas /PUBLIC / tables
You should be able to see your tables listed here.
You can find a video with the instructions here:
Hope this helps!