When I tried to compile test.cc by g++ test.cc --std=c++14
, I got the following error.
test.cc:5:26: error: expected unqualified-id before numeric constant
Colour colour = Colour::None;
#include "state.h"
#include <X11/X.h>
int main(){
Colour colour = Colour::None;
enum class Colour { None, Black, White };
And I found that by #include <X11/X.h>
, None
is defined as a constant
#define None 0L /* universal null resource or null atom */
What bothers me is that I've already used scope resolution operator, namely Colour::None
, to specify which None
I'm refering, but the error still occurred.
That's life I'm afraid, and it epitomises the reasons for macros being terrible.
Once you've #include
d <X11/X.h>
, the preprocessor will chew up your source code and the compiler will see
Colour colour = Colour::0;
which makes no sense.
One fix would be to #undef None
after including the file.