Is there a way to capture the console outside of an iframe?
I'm working on an online IDE similar to jsFiddle and I wanted to give the users to option to at least read the results of the javascript console.
Here is another solution if you don't want to append to HTML
var console = {
__on : {},
addEventListener : function (name, callback) {
this.__on[name] = (this.__on[name] || []).concat(callback);
return this;
dispatchEvent : function (name, value) {
this.__on[name] = (this.__on[name] || []);
for (var i = 0, n = this.__on[name].length; i < n; i++) {
this.__on[name][i].call(this, value);
return this;
log: function () {
var a = [];
// For V8 optimization
for (var i = 0, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
this.dispatchEvent("log", a);
Outside the iframe
iframe.contentWindow.console.addEventListener("log", function (value) {
console.log.apply(null, value);