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Error while comparing two methods

So I'm trying to do a simple program that can find the module of a Complex Number using generics and compares two modules:

public class ComplexNumber <T extends Number,U extends Number>
    implements Comparable<ComplexNumber<T, U>>
    private T real;
    private U imaginary;

    public ComplexNumber(T real, U imaginary)

    public T getReal()
        return real;

    public int compareTo(ComplexNumber<?, ?> o)
        return this.modul().compareTo(o.modul());

    public U getImaginary()
        return imaginary;

    public double modul()
        double c=Math.sqrt(real.doubleValue()*real.doubleValue()+imaginary.doubleValue()*imaginary.doubleValue());
        return c;

    public String toString()
        return String.format("%.2f+%.2fi", real.doubleValue(), imaginary.doubleValue());

However it gives me two real time errors one in the .compareTo function stating:"Cannot invoke compareTo(double) on the primitive type double"

and one in the beginning of the class: "Multiple markers at this line - The type ComplexNumber must implement the inherited abstract method Comparable>.compareTo(ComplexNumber) - The type ComplexNumber must implement the inherited abstract method "


  • you're looking for something along the lines of:

    public int compareTo(ComplexNumber<T, U> o) {
            // logic


    if you definitely need to use wildcards then you'll need to change the class declaration to:

    class ComplexNumber <T extends Number,U extends Number> implements Comparable<ComplexNumber<?, ?>>

    in which case you can leave the compareTo method signature as is.

    regarding the first error you've received, this is because you're trying to call the compareTo method on a primitive type double which would not work at all. To solve the problem, you'd want to use and pass in the appropriate data.

    public int compareTo(ComplexNumber<?, ?> o) {
           return, o.modul());