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AppFabric Powershell New-Cache Exception

I've just finished an AppFabric install on my prod server after getting this to work without an issues on my dev environment. AppFabric installed without an issues and is running, but when I try to create a new named cache (ps: New-Cache ClickUrls) I get the following exception:

New-Cache : ErrorCode:SubStatus:Error: Cache creation returned failure.

At line:1 char:10

  • New-Cache <<<<
  • CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [New-Cache], DataCacheException
  • FullyQualifiedErrorId : ERRPS009,Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.Commands.NewCacheCommand

Any insight into why its not working? This was a non-issue on my dev environment.

cheers in advance


  • Open 'Services and Applications' console and check the status of 'AppFabric Caching Service'. On my box (Windows 7 x86) it was configured as manual and not started just after installation.