I was learing prototypes in Javascript and got a lot about their usages. But I'm confused about the following that how it didn't work.
function Employee(name)
this.name = name;
Employee.prototype.code = "SIMPLE";
Employee.prototype.getName = function()
return this.name;
var a = new Employee("Manish");
var b = new Employee("Vikash");
a.__proto__.code // SIMPLE
a.__proto__.getName() // Undefined
Why we can't access a function on __proto__
while a.__proto__ == Employee.prototype
returns true.
You can access the function on the __proto__
object like you expect - but you're getting this behavior because you lose the binding to this
when you call it this way so the function is not returning what you expect. The value of this
is determed by the calling context. For the purpose of experimenting, you can try adding the binding back like this:
// Manish
// or
// Vikash