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Receive custom exceptions from Restlet Framework in GWT client

I want to use Exception handling with the Restlet Framework and GWT clients. The Restlet Framework supports the concept of annotated exceptions as described in this post;

In my project i created a LocationNameException

@Status(value = 409)
public class LocationNameException extends Exception

    public LocationNameException(String pMessage, Throwable pCause)
        super(pMessage, pCause);

And use this in my ServerResource;

    @Transactional(rollbackOn = LocationNameException.class)
    public LocationDto postLocation(LocationDto pLocationDto) throws LocationNameException

        Location lLocation = new Location(pLocationDto);

            LocationDao lLocationDao = getLocationDao();
        catch (PersistenceException pPersistenceException)
            throw new LocationNameException("Location requires unique Name", pPersistenceException);


        return lLocationDto;

With the interface

public interface LocationListServerResourceInt

    LocationDto postLocation(LocationDto pLocationDto) throws LocationNameException;


This works, in the case of an exception the call returns code 409;

enter image description here

And at the GWT client side onFailure() is called;

private class PostLocationCallback implements AsyncCallback<LocationDto>

    public void onFailure(Throwable pCaught)
        mCallback.onFailure(pCaught, mLocationDto);

But parameter pCaught only contains a ResourceException with the status code 409. My LocationNameException isn't included in the underlying cause stack. I need this LocationNameException for appropriate error message handling.

The reason is the generated ServerResourceProxy LocationListServerResourceProxyImpl by the Restlet GWT ClientProxyGenerator;

public void postLocation(LocationDto param1, final LocationDto> callback)

    public void handle(Request request, Response response)
       if (getClientResource().getStatus().isError())
          callback.onFailure(new ResourceException(getClientResource().getStatus()));



I think i have to rewrite the Post method in the ClientProxyGenerator;

enter image description here

The LocationNameException is present in the Response data so the Basic approach using the getResponseEntity() method of the ClientResource class should be possible.

Is this the way to go? Or can i catch the LocationNameException exception somewhere else as suggested by Catching annotated exceptions?

It is really hard to try a different approach because of the generated code. Is there an easy way to circumvent the code generator with custom classes?


  • With help of Jerome Louvel and Thierry Boileau i created a new ClientProxyGenerator() that supports custom exceptions towards a GWT client;

    enter image description here

    Just specify the exception from the interface in the ServerResourceProxy (ClientProxy)

    enter image description here

    and voilà

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    It is possible to use this custom ClientProxyGenerator() in your project right away.

    Download custom ClientProxyGenerator

    And place it in a package on the server (for example package com.ludus.server.util)

    enter image description here

    In GWT module XML change the ClientProxyGenerator to the new version on the server;

    enter image description here

    And you're ready to go with your custom exceptions, but it would be nice if this extension would be integrated in the Restlet framework.