Search code examples

How do I get distinct items from a list?

It's not clear to me how to retrieve distinct items from a list.

I have the following code:

topicsFromLinks : List Link -> List Topic
topicsFromLinks links =
        |> (\l -> l.topics)
        |> List.concat
        |> Set.fromList
        |> Set.toList


The definition of topicsFromLinks does not match its type annotation. - The type annotation for topicsFromLinks says it always returns:

List Topic

But the returned value (shown above) is a:

List comparable

I expect the following lines to just work in regards to structural equality:

|> Set.fromList
|> Set.toList

Why am I receiving a List of Comparables?

How do I resolve this compilation error?


type alias Topic =
    { name : String, isFeatured : Bool }

type alias Link =
    , topics : List Topic


  • According to the documentation for Set:

    The values can be any comparable type. This includes Int, Float, Time, Char, String, and tuples or lists of comparable types.

    You are attempting to put a Topic value in where only a comparable type will work.

    Thankfully there is the elm-community/list-extra package which exposes a uniqueBy function that lets you specify your own function to turn something into a comparable.

    If you want to get the distinct list of topics, matching both on the name and isFeatured fields, then you can use toString to serialize the value into something comparable:

    import List.Extra exposing (uniqueBy)
    topicsFromLinks : List Link -> List Topic
    topicsFromLinks links =
            |> .topics
            |> List.concat
            |> uniqueBy toString