I have an object:
let names = { field1: 'ton', field2: null } // or field3 does not exist
and I need to insert accord to an variable elements inside names object, to
names[field][relative] = 30; // has no effect in my code, why ?
to get this:
{ field1: 'ton', field2: {brotherage: 30 } }
and add more elements to fields with this type of code:
names[field][relative] = 20; // has no effect in my code, why ?
to get this:
{ field1: 'ton', field2: {brotherage: 30, cousingage: 30 } }
what is the best methos or why i'm failing... i've tried a lot of things but i get lost...
You could use a default object if the property has a falsy value or does not exists.
var names = { field1: 'ton', field2: null },
field = 'field2',
field1 = 'field3',
relative = 'brotherage';
relative1 = 'inlaw';
names[field] = names[field] || {};
names[field][relative] = 30;
names[field1] = names[field1] || {};
names[field1][relative1] = 40;