Hello I have a simple encoding/decoding method in java (running in eclipse) which returns the encoded or rather decoded string, chosen by parameter key (if key < 0 then execute decoding else encoding).
The method gets executed in void main like the following code shows.
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println(rotate("programm", 42));
My encoding/decoding method looks like this:
public static String rotate(String text, int key)
// Check if given key is in range -25 to 25
if (key < -42 || key > 42)
return "";
if (key == 0)
return text;
char[] array = text.toCharArray();
int k = key % 26;
// Check if every char of given text is in rang from 'a' to 'z'
// Use text as char array to manipulate each char
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
if (array[i] < 'a' || array[i] > 'z') {
return "";
else {
if (key < 0) {
int j = (int)array[i] - k;
if (j < 'a')
array[i] = (char)(j+26);
array[i] -= k;
else {
int j = (int)array[i] + k;
if (j > 'z')
array[i] = (char)(j-26);
array[i] += k;
return array.toString();
The problem is that the result array of rotate(..) is equals to "fhewhqcc" which is right but the console prints "[C@123a439b".
Do you have any idea?
You are returning a Char Array and not a String. Hence the printed output is like that. You need to change the return statement as follows:
return new String(array);