how to overload assignment operator to satisfy ob1=ob2=ob3 (ob1,ob2,ob3 are objects of same class) where we have no concern for (ob2 = ob3) which is similar to (ob2.operator=(ob3)) but we need a parameter of type class when we are assigning this result to ob1 which is similar to (ob1.operator=(ob2.operator=(ob3)) below is the code that gives me error
using namespace std;
class A
int x;
int *ptr;
A(int a, int *f)
x = a;
ptr = f;
void operator=(A&);
void A::operator=(A &ob)
this->x = ob.x;
*(this->ptr) = *(ob.ptr);
int main()
int *y = new int(3);
A ob1, ob2, ob3(5, y);
ob1 = ob2 = ob3;
cout << ob1.x << " " << *(ob1.ptr) << endl;
cout << ob2.x << " " << *(ob2.ptr) << endl;
cout << ob3.x << " " << *(ob3.ptr) << endl;
return 0;
Your asignement operator should return a reference to *this
, and be defined as
A& operator=(const A&);
or, better, pass by value and use the copy-and-swap idiom
A& operator=(A);
For an excellent intro to operator overloading, see this.