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Replace a value in a JSON file using Powershell

How can I replace a value in a JSON file with another value taken from a config file (JSON)? This is the code for the JSON files:


    "ABlob_AAD_Snapshot": [
      "name": "properties.availability.frequency",
      "value": "$Frequency$"


  "name": "AzureBlobStore",
  "properties": {
                 "type": "AzureStorage",
                 "availability": {
                                 "frequency": "Value from Config.json file"

What I'm trying to do is the following:

  1. Go through the Config.json file and store the values for "name" and "value" segments in variables. The "name" segment value is a path in ABlob_AAD_Snapshot.json file.
  2. Follow the path in the ABlob_AAD_Snapshot.json file and replace the segment "frequency" with the value of segment "value" ($frequency$)

After this process, the ABlob_AAD_Snapshot.json should look like this:

  "name": "AzureBlobStore",
  "properties": {
                 "type": "AzureStorage",
                 "availability": {
                                 "frequency": "$frequency$"

The problem here is that my original config.json file has more than one array (which represents file names) so I will parse more than one file and the value for "name" segment will not always be the same I mean, in this case, the value (or path) is properties.availability.frequency but it could be properties.activities.scheduler.interval or properties.activities.typeProperties.extendedProperties.WebAppClientID.

So as you can see the name and the quantity of "nodes" could change.

This is my PowerShell script:

    $ScriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition 

#path to config file
$ConfigFile = "$ScriptPath\ParameterConfigOriginal.json"

#Convert the json file to PSObject
$json = Get-Content $ConfigFile | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json

#Get all the arrays (files) in Conifg.json
$files = $json | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

#Go through all the arrays (files)
Foreach($file in $files)
   if( $file -eq '$schema') {continue}

    #store the path of the file to be modified
    $FileName = $file + ".json"
    $FilePath = "$ScriptPath\LinkedServices\" + $FileName"

   #Go through all the elements of the arrray
   Foreach($item in $json.$file)
     #Store the path 
     $name = $

    #Store the value
    $value = $item.value

    #Convert the file to be modified to PSObject
    $file = Get-Content $FilePath | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json  

    #======STUCK IN HERE=============
    # How can dynamically navigate through the file nodes like this?


    #and set the corresponding value

    $ = $value


I'm new in the PowerShell world and I don't know if there is a cmdlet that helps me to do what I need.

Any suggestion will be appreciated.


Simple Path


Path with arrays


this is an example of the JSON file with arrays Destination file

and this is the result Destination file updated

Any idea on what could be happening?


  • Invoke-Expression will help you.

    #Go through all the arrays (files)
    Foreach($file in $files)
        $snapshot = (Get-Content ("./" + $file + ".json") | ConvertFrom-Json)
        # get config corresponds to the $file
        $config = Invoke-Expression ('$json.' + $file)
        # set value according to the config
        Invoke-Expression ('$snapshot.' + $ + "='" + $config.value + "'")
        # $
        # -> $Frequency$


    You have to use ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 to write the result to JSON file properly (specify the appropriate depth according to your JSON files.). Without -Depth option, you will get the result like "@{type=Copy, typeProperties=;, ...}".