I would like an internal URL to fire in Fancybox 3 around 5 seconds once the page has loaded. I have the following code however I just get loading PNG - nothing appears.
iframe : {
}, 2000);
I'm not very smart with JS, though I believe it may clashing with some other code. Any advice before this Mac goes out the window?
Thanks :)
Check out samples from the documentation - http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/3/docs/#api and use correct syntax, something like this:
setTimeout(function() {
type : 'iframe',
src : 'https://codepen.io/spark/',
opts : {
iframe : {
preload : false
}, 2000);
Demo - https://codepen.io/anon/pen/ooBZoK?editors=1010
btw, you will not be able to include gamespot.com, because this site (like many others) prevents embedding.