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Connecting Graylog to an already existing Elasticsearch - Cant see anything

I've been working with Elasticsearch\Kibana for quite some time now but recently considered moving to Graylog. If I understand this correctly, I should be able to query all my current indices through Graylog just as with Kibana. The thing is I dont see anything under System -> Indices:

enter image description here

Do I need to re-create index sets much like Kibana's Index Patterns or is there anything else that I'm missing?


  • Graylog expects full authority over its indices.

    It's not possible to query arbitrary existing Elasticsearch indices with Graylog as it's expecting the documents to have a specific format.

    You can query existing Elasticsearch indices created and populated by Graylog with Kibana, though.

    For an explanation of the Graylog index model, please refer to