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Is it possible to print the returned value of a function of different class in case of Anonymous object of scala

I am new to Scala, trying to understand the syntactic behaviors of Scala. I will be really appreciated if anybody help me. Thanks

With Anonymous Object: Here in this scenario if I want to print the value of resinside the main function body then what logic I need to apply?

package oops

object AnonymousObject 
  def main(args:Array[String]):Unit =
    new student().detail(5,9)  // Line 1


class student
  def detail(x:Int, y:Int):Int =
    val res = x*y

Without Anonymous Object: For more information, in this scenario given below, there has no problem to achieve it because of var s

 class Student
    var id:Int = 0;  // All fields must be initialized  
    var name:String = null;  
object MainObject
    def main(args:Array[String])
        var s = new Student()  // Creating an object  
        println(" ";  


  • An object which has no reference name. So simply you can print like this way inside the main

    object AnonymousObject 
      def main(args:Array[String]):Unit =
        val res = new student().detail(5,9)
    class student
      def detail(x:Int, y:Int):Int =

    Output: 45