I am practicing programming with generic classes. I want to implement a class for a list element that holds a reference on an object of generic type and a reference on the next list element.
So I came up with this class:
class List<T>{
T val;
List next:
How would you define the constructor for this class? Any other advice to understand generic classes and their use?
you can leave it with default constructor and then use it List<String> list = new List<String>();
- now val in your class will be String. Another way:
public class List<T>{
T val;
List<T> next;
public List(T val, List<T> next) {
this.val = val;
this.next = next;
public T getVal() {
return val;
And then you can use it this way:
List<String> strList = new List<String>("test", null);
System.out.println( strList.getVal() );
as result "test" should be printed
As for advice, I think the best thing is to read this book: Java Generics and Collections it contains good description and a lot of examples how to use it.