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Javascript code called from VBS throwing unspecified error at runtime

I have a webpage on which I want to add jQuery lib, here is the code :

var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src ="";

This code is called from UFT using VBS code :

script= "var script = document.createElement('script');" &_
        "script.src =" & chr(34) & "" & chr(34) & ";" &_

When I run my VBS code, an error is thrown

"Erreur non spécifiée" | in English "unspecified error"

But i can't figure out why this error is thrown since both VBS and my js code seem OK... I am using IE 8 Enterprise Mode and script is enabled in security options. I have no more ideas on how to work around this issue...



  • This is covered by UFT's online documentation:

    When running this method, you should use an eval() function or anonymous function to run the script entered for this method. For example, you can use functions like these:

    "eval(var remove = document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; var per = remove.parentNode; per.removeChild(remove););"

    OR "(function(){var remove = document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; var per = remove.parentNode; per.removeChild(remove);})();"*

    Please see the modified code that works with a couple of changes made

    1. The code is placed in an anonymous function and immediately executed (IIFE)
    2. I use single quotes instead of chr(34) (it doesn't make a difference, just more readable).

      script = "(function(){" &_ 
        "var script=document.createElement('script');" &_  
        "script.src='';" &_  
        "document.body.appendChild(script);" &_   