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Place the Static HTML Page in kibana Dashboard

I need to add the Static HTML file in Kibana dashboard.where i can hold my HTML file in Kibana. Note:Kibana version 5.6.3 I come across some kibana plugin like Kibana-html-plugin,kibana5-html-plugin , but it wont support for my kibana version 5.6.3. i already change the package.json file but it wont help. is there any otherway to do


  • import marked from 'marked';
    import uiModules from 'ui/modules';
    import 'angular-sanitize';
      gfm: true, // Github-flavored markdown
      sanitize: true // Sanitize HTML tags
    const module = uiModules.get('kibana/markdown_vis', ['kibana']);
    module.controller('KbnMarkdownVisController', function ($scope, $sce) {
      $scope.$watch('vis.params.markdown', function (html) {
        if (!html) return;
        $scope.html = $sce.trustAsHtml(html);

    at last, I found the solution. Paste the above code in kibana/src/core_plugins/markdown_vis/public/markdown_vis_controller.js