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How to compile with Bruce's C Compiler to get asm file that runs on 8086 processors

I have this small c code

    int main (){
    int in  [50];
    int res [50];

    int avg=0;
    int i=0;
    int j=0;


    return 0;

which is a simple moving average function

I want to get the assembly code that corresponds to this code, however, I want the x86 ISA assembly code that can run on processor 8086

after looking I ran this commands

bcc -ansi -c -o foo.o foo.c
as86 foo.asm -o foo.o

this ended up with error

as: error opening input file

how can I compile my file to get the assembly code?


  • Try bcc -S to get assembly. For example, if you type bcc -ansi -S foo.c you get foo.s with the following content (debug comments removed for brevitiy):

    export  _main
    push    bp
    mov bp,sp
    push    di
    push    si
    add sp,#-$CA
    xor ax,ax
    mov -$CE[bp],ax
    dec sp
    dec sp
    xor ax,ax
    mov -$D0[bp],ax
    dec sp
    dec sp
    xor ax,ax
    mov -$D2[bp],ax
    xor ax,ax
    mov -$D0[bp],ax
    jmp .3
    mov ax,-$D0[bp]
    mov dx,ax
    shl ax,*1
    shl ax,*1
    add ax,dx
    add ax,*3
    push    ax
    mov ax,-$D0[bp]
    shl ax,*1
    mov bx,bp
    add bx,ax
    mov ax,-$D4[bp]
    mov -$68[bx],ax
    inc sp
    inc sp
    mov ax,-$D0[bp]
    inc ax
    mov -$D0[bp],ax
    mov ax,-$D0[bp]
    cmp ax,*$32
    jl  .4
    xor ax,ax
    mov -$D0[bp],ax
    jmp .8
    xor ax,ax
    mov -$CE[bp],ax
    mov ax,-$D0[bp]
    add ax,*-4
    mov -$D2[bp],ax
    jmp .C
    mov ax,-$D2[bp]
    test    ax,ax
    jl      .E
    mov ax,-$D2[bp]
    cmp ax,*$32
    jge     .E
    mov ax,-$D2[bp]
    shl ax,*1
    mov bx,bp
    add bx,ax
    mov ax,-$CE[bp]
    add ax,-$68[bx]
    mov -$CE[bp],ax
    mov ax,-$CE[bp]
    mov bx,*$A
    idiv    bx
    mov -$CE[bp],ax
    mov ax,-$D0[bp]
    shl ax,*1
    mov bx,bp
    add bx,ax
    mov ax,-$CE[bp]
    mov -$CC[bx],ax
    mov ax,-$D2[bp]
    inc ax
    mov -$D2[bp],ax
    mov ax,-$D0[bp]
    add ax,*5
    cmp ax,-$D2[bp]
    jge .D
    mov ax,-$D0[bp]
    inc ax
    mov -$D0[bp],ax
    mov ax,-$D0[bp]
    cmp ax,*$32
    blt     .9
    xor ax,ax
    lea sp,-4[bp]
    pop si
    pop di
    pop bp