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R: go through a sequence of numbers and choose the highest one

I am scrapping data from a website, and in this context, data tidying gets kind of hard.

what I have right now is a string of numbers that go into a sequence, let's say


The first value that I'm looking for is 3, the second one is 5, and the third one will be 4. So basically, I want to go through the sequence 1:5 and choose the highest value, to have the final output as


I thought about choosing the maximum values, such as

    a<-sort(a, decreasing = T)

But this won't count, cause the final product is:

    [1] 5 4 4

where the small values are discriminated. Any ideas if this could be possible?


  • sort(unlist(lapply(split(a, cumsum(c(1, diff(a)) != 1)), max), use.names = FALSE))
    #[1] 3 4 5