I've been working on a method that returns the minimum number of moves that can be made in the Tower of Hanoi game complacently based on the number of rings. So far I have the basic code that can calculate 2^n (n being the number of rings). However, when I go to subtract 1 the method behaves as if their are no rings.
static int countHanoiMoves(int n)
int unSubtrctAnswer = 0;
if(n == 0)
return 1;
int halfPower = countHanoiMoves(n / 2);
if (n % 2 == 1)
unSubtrctAnswer = (2 * halfPower * halfPower);
unSubtrctAnswer = (halfPower * halfPower);
return unSubtrctAnswer - 1;
As suggested by Andreas in comments, your algorithm is not correct. The recursive solution is actually quite a bit simpler.
Consider: To move n rings, you first need to move all of the rings on top of the bottom one (n - 1), then move the bottom one (+ 1), then move all the others back on top (n - 1 again).
static int countHanoiMoves(int n) {
if (n == 0) return 0;
if (n < 0) throw new RuntimeException("What? A negative number of rings?");
// count(n-1) + 1 + count(n-1)... since we aren't actually moving
// the rings, but merely counting the number of moves, we can do
// it a little more cheaply by just multiplying by 2 rather than
// calling the recursive method twice
return 2 * countHanoiMoves(n - 1) + 1;
Note that you will fast overrun the limitations of int
, so if you need to figure the count for a larger number of rings, changing the return type to long
will buy you a little more breathing room.