I am trying to import theme.json file into scss file and also mapped all the json values in my scss file with the map-get methodology.
Below is the code I am trying to compile to css:
gulp.task('sass', function() {
var epub = gulp.src(['app/epubsource/themes/default/main.scss'])
config_file: 'node_modules/gulp-compass/test/config.rb',
sourcemap: true,
css: 'app/epubsource/themes/default',
sass: 'app/epubsource/themes/default'
stream: true
return mergeStream(epub);
Below is the code for importing json in main.scss file:
@import "theme.json";
BTW, both main.scss and theme.json are on the same folder level.
Below is the error I am getting:
LoadError on line ["54"] of C: cannot load such file -- sass-globbing
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: Compass failed
Please help me to get out from this issue.
Uninstalled all the sass and compass dependencies and re-installed.
Now in node_modules>test>config.rb, add a dependency 'sass-json-vars' like sass-globbing.
Now, try to compile. That works like a charm!