I have a proxy module, which forwards function calls to services. I want to test if the service function is called, when a function in this proxy module is called.
Here is the proxy module:
const payService = require('../services/pay')
const walletService = require('../services/wallet')
const entity = {
chargeCard: payService.payByCardToken,
// ... some other fn
module.exports = entity
Based on this example and this response, I tried to stub the required module 'payService':
const expect = require('expect.js')
const sinon = require('sinon')
const entity = require('../entity')
const payService = require('../../services/pay')
describe('Payment entity,', () => {
it('should proxy functions to each service', () => {
const stub = sinon.stub(payService, 'payByCardToken')
But the test fails with:
0 passing (19ms)
1 failing
1) Payment entity,
should proxy functions to each service:
Error: expected false to be truthy
at Assertion.assert (node_modules/expect.js/index.js:96:13)
at Assertion.ok (node_modules/expect.js/index.js:115:10)
at Function.ok (node_modules/expect.js/index.js:499:17)
at Context.it (payments/test/entity.js:14:56)
And that's because payService module isn't really stubbed. I know if I add payService as a property of entity and wrap everything with a function, the test will pass:
// entity
const entity = () => {
return {
chargeCard: payService.payByCardToken,
// .. some other fn
// test
const stub = sinon.stub(payService, 'payByCardToken')
// test output
Payment entity,
✓ should proxy functions to each service
1 passing (8ms)
But that's code added only for testing puposes. Is there a way to a way to stub module functions without dependency injection and workarounds?
The problem is that you're stubbing payService
too late, after entity
has already set its mappings.
If you change your test code like so:
const expect = require('expect.js')
const sinon = require('sinon')
const payService = require('../../services/pay')
describe('Payment entity,', () => {
let entity
before(() => {
sinon.stub(payService, 'payByCardToken')
entity = require('../entity')
it('should proxy functions to each service', () => {
...you should find that entity
sets itself up with your stubbed function and the assertion passes okay.