I want to generated Model Request parameter automatically in test cases for example , in my model there are two variable with setter and getter methods as shown below.
public class LoginModel{
public String username ="abc";
public String password = "123";
public void setUserName(String username){
this.username = username;
public void setPassword(String password){
this.password = password;
public String getUserName(){
return this.username;
public String getPassword(){
return this.password;
and i wanted to be generated by swagger or using custom Templete in DefaultTest.class file.
LoginModel loginModel = new LoginModel();
Please give any suggestion. thanks...!!!
Here it is a solution.
Here you are not providing swagger specification file.
You have to change your swagger specification like,
- type: object
username :
type: string
example: abc
default: abc
password :
type: string
example: 123
default: 123
Now you have to create a custom template for pojo.mustache (you will found this in swagger swagger-codegen in recource folder).
you have to modify pojo.mustache here.
private {{{datatypeWithEnum}}} {{name}} = {{{defaultValue}}};
private {{{datatypeWithEnum}}} {{name}} = new {{{datatypeWithEnum}}}();
after modifing this you will achive codegen like you want...!
i hope it will help...! thanks.