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Run tests in parallel with Guice and TestNg

Here's problem. I have some UI tests for one website. I use NavigationService to do some navigation on the page, such as open some page etc.

Here's NavigationModule

public class NavigationModule extends AbstractModule {

protected void configure() {


Here's NavigationService

public class NavigationService {

private LoginPage loginPage;
private TemplateManagementPage templateManagementPage;
private CreateTemplatePage createTemplatePage;
private NavigationMenu navigationMenu;

public TemplateManagementPage logIn(String username, String password) {
    return loginPage.login(username, password);

public TemplateManagementPage openTemplateManagementPage() {
    return templateManagementPage;

And all above I use it in BaseTest class with @Guice annotation, here's code

@Guice(modules = NavigationModule.class)
public abstract class BaseTest extends BDDTest {

 protected String login = "login";
 protected String password = "pass";

 protected NavigationService navigationService;

 protected TemplateManagementPage templateManagementPage;

 public void login() {
     templateManagementPage = navigationService.logIn(login, password);

The last thing is I call this method in @BeforeMethod

public class TemplateWithLevelTest extends BaseTest {

private CreateTemplatePage templatePage;

@BeforeMethod(description = "Open create template page")
public void openCreateTemplatePage() {
    templatePage = navigationService.openCreateTemplatePage();

public void someTest() {

Everything works fine, till I want run it in parallel from TestNg.xml, it opens one browser logging in and then opens another one with no page opened, then it throws

Element not found {By.xpath: //div[@id='toast-container']}

NavigationModule is binded in Singleton, and as I get we should create different singletons for each thread, is there any way to do that?


  • Ohhh, after few weeks, we finally did it. So here's the solution. Enjoy;)