I have a checkbox with 3 Values 'Father' , 'Mother' and Secretary. I tried to target individual checkboxes values but the issue is that i don't know the ID/name of the tag. I can't use getElementById , getElementByClass etc...
I tried to add a specific CSS class 'SPECIFIC_CSS' but gforms added it to the li tag. I can only identify the value of the checkboxes (Father,Mother,Secretary).
How can I target those specific checkboxes? can i target their values ? How? Do you have another method i didn't think of ?
<li id="field_31_3-1-1" class="gfield SPECIFIC_CSS field_sublabel_below field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible gf_repeater_child_field" data-repeater-parentid="1" data-repeater-repeatid="1" data-repeater-childid="1">
<label class="gfield_label">Checkboxes Test 1</label><div class="ginput_container ginput_container_checkbox"><ul class="gfield_checkbox" id="input_31_3">
<li class="gchoice_31_3_1">
<input name="input_3.1-1-1" value="Father" id="choice_31_3_1-1-1" tabindex="1" data-repeater-inputid="1" type="checkbox">
<label for="choice_31_3_1-1-1" id="label_31_3_1">Father</label></li>
<li class="gchoice_31_3_2">
<input name="input_3.2-1-1" value="Mother" id="choice_31_3_2-1-1" tabindex="1" data-repeater-inputid="2" type="checkbox">
<label for="choice_31_3_2-1-1" id="label_31_3_2">Mother</label></li>
<li class="gchoice_31_3_3">
<input name="input_3.3-1-1" value="Secretary" id="choice_31_3_3-1-1" tabindex="1" data-repeater-inputid="3" type="checkbox">
<label for="choice_31_3_3-1-1" id="label_31_3_3">Secretary</label>
You could use something like the following:
document.querySelector('input[value="Father"]').checked = true;
or if you just want the element without checking it: