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QComboBox as function input argument in QT

I was playing with QT and I found a small issue. (I am really new in Qt). After search about that, I did not find anything. The problem is: In header file:

#include <QMainWindow>
    namespace Ui {
class jAudio;

class jAudio : public QMainWindow

    explicit jAudio(QWidget *parent = 0);


    Ui::jAudio *ui;

private slots:
    void jSetup (void);
    void jInfo (QString);
    void jFillComboBox(QComboBox, QStringList);
    void on_bRecord_clicked();

And I declare the method in .cpp file like:

#include "jaudio.h" 
#include "ui_jaudio.h"
void jAudio::jFillComboBox(QComboBox comboBox, QStringList data){
    for (int i = 0;  i< options.count(); i++){

When I try to run the code then the error appear:

..../jAudio/jaudio.h:25: error: 
‘QComboBox’ has not been declared
 void jFillComboBox(QComboBox, QStringList);

Do you know what am I doing wrong?

Thnak you very much!!


  • In jAudio.h: add #include <QComboBox> and #include <QStringList>. And change jFillComboBox to jFillComboBox(QComboBox*, QStringList), as previously mentioned in comments. The reasoning for the second part is that QComboBox is derived from QWidget, and QWidget objects cannot be copied. If you've come from other, higher-level languages, the concept of non-copyable objects and passing-by-pointer (or reference) may be foreign to you. If that's the case, consider looking through this question and the links there.