I have a nuget package that I build on my master branch or for releasing a version.
The problem is that, only in appveyor I have :
Restoring packages for C:\projects\askmethat-xforms-controls\src\Askmethat.XForms.Controls.NuGet\Askmethat.XForms.Controls.NuGet.nuproj...
nuget : Ambiguous project name 'Askmethat.XForms.Controls'.
At line:1 char:1
+ nuget restore .\src\Askmethat.XForms.Controls.sln
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Ambiguous proje...orms.Controls'.:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
Command executed with exception: Ambiguous project name 'Askmethat.XForms.Controls'.
This error happens when I try to restore the nuget package for the nuget project.
Here the last build :
Here the project in Github:
I think the error comes from the project Forms ( a netstandar library ).
If i had a package ID to this project the restore not failed, but my nuget package have a dependencie to this package id...
Of course, all works perfecly on my machine : macOs up to date.
Multiple projects within your solution, share the same assembly name Askmethat.XForms.Controls
. Could you perhaps try making them unique? Here is the issue tracked in NuGet.