I'm looking to solve problems of the form in R:
is an indicator function that equals 1 if the argument (.) is true and zero otherwise.
I've looked into packages lpSolve, Rcplex, and crs but I couldn't quite grasp how I would place my problem into the functions offered by those packages. I don't really know how I would incorporate my indicator functions in the objective. I thought about making my controls the binary W's themselves but then I would have to provide the lambdas (weights), however, my interest is finding the optimal combination of lambdas, and not the W's.
You basically want
z<=r => w=1
This can be written as
w=0 => z>r
z >= r + 0.001 - M*w
where M
is a large enough constant (but preferably not too large). Some solvers like Cplex and Gurobi have indicator constraints: this way the last implication can be expressed directly without resorting to a big-M formulation.