So I have a class called Song, and another class Called SongLibrary. The Songlibrary just contains a set of all songs and appropriate methods.
I am currently trying to make a function to search the song library and check if a song has a particular title.
The problem I am having is that the song title is inaccessible from the songlibrary class.
m_songs is the name of the set I am using in songlibrary to store all the songs.
m_title is the member variable for title in Song.cpp
in SongLibrary.cpp
bool SongLibrary::SearchSong(string title)
bool found = false;
std::find_if(begin(m_songs), end(m_songs),
[&](Song const& p)
if (p.m_title == title) // error here (m_title is inaccessible)
found = true;
return found;
I have attempted to make the method a friend of the song class but i am not exactly sure I understand how it works.
EDIT I Fixed the problem using the following
bool SongLibrary::SearchSong(string title)
if (find_if(begin(m_songs), end(m_songs),[&](Song const& p)
{return p.getTitle() == title;}) != end(m_songs))
return true;
return false;
If you want to use friend classes, you should make SongLibrary
a friend of Song
. But I suggest you make a public getter for your Song-title like this:
const std::string& getTitle() const { return m_title; }